Great Acting from the Stars

As we're nearing Oscar time, I figured I'd list out what I feel are some of the best movies some of the stars of Star Wars have ever made. Keep in mind that these are my opinions and may differ from your own.

For Natalie Portman, I'm split between two movies: Beautiful Girls and The Professional. However, I think I'll go with Girls simply because she seemed like a much more stable actress in that movie. To see Portman as a young girl becoming a woman... I know it's a small part compared to other parts in the movie, but I just feel it's an amazing performance.

I haven't seen too many Ewan McGregor movies. Trainspotting is obviously the movie everyone is supposed to see to see him as a great actor. Moulin Rouge was pretty cool too. I think it's quite amazing he can go from playing druggies to singers to Jedis. He also did some amazing work in Black Hawk Down and I think it's a shame he didn't get an Oscar nomination for either that or Moulin Rouge. However, I think I can most definately tell you what his worst movie is: Blue Juice. Do not rent this surfer movie, it's terrible.

Harrison Ford, of course, is the only Star Wars star to really get a solid career out of the movies and because of that it's hard to decide what his best performance was. Some people like Sabrina. Others love The Fugitive. However, I think I'll go against all odds and say What Lies Beneath. My God, that movie is amazing, and his performance I think is incredible. He's almost playing two different characters throughout the entire movie, sometimes playing a loving husband and later playing a maniac. He does such a good job with the character, I think.

Nate Raymond

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