To the visitors of Generation neXt:
Well, it's been more than seven years now since I opened up this site. When I first started, I was only in the sixth grade, and now I'm a freshman in college. I still remember how absolutely crappy that original version was. Honestly, the only thing that's still the same is the name and the topic: Generation X.
I loved Generation X a lot. I mean, when most people were smart enough to leave the series when Larry Hama took over, I kept reading, if only for the hope that they would fire him. They did, of course, but then a few years later, the series was canceled. This was in 2001.
It's about to be 2004, and here I am, finally closing down my site. Well, not really closing down. This is more just a notice that there will be no more updates for the foreseeable future. I tried for a while to keep fresh updates by providing information about what was happening to Gen X characters in the other X-books, but quite frankly, I hate the current direction the X-titles have gone in.
The site will remain online; I have no plans to shut it down. I'd like to think of this site as a memorial to what was once a great comic book. Who knows, maybe someday Marvel will bring back Gen X and I can work on my site some more.
Nate Raymond
Awards This Site Has Recieved
GenerationX Page of the Month September, 1997
White Queen's Gold Award November, 1997
Katroz's Page Pick November, 1997
1st Annual Exies Award "Best Generation X Page" May, 1998
Collecting-Comics.Com Site of the Week May 10, 1998
Xavier Reviews Award July, 1998
Maggott's Lair's Great Site Award August, 1998
'Salem's Awesome Site Award
Sinister Observations Award October 2, 1998
Mutant X Site of the Week November 9, 1998
JLA Headquaters Award of Coolness December, 1998
Genius' EAS Award January, 1999
2nd Annual Exies Award "Best Generation X Page" February, 1999
3rd Annual Exies Award "Best Generation X Page" November, 1999
Jewel of the Web Ruby Award March, 2000
Generation X Zone's Page of the Month April, 2000
4th Annual Exies Award Winner "Best Generation X Page" July, 2000
4th Annual Exies Award Third Runner Up "Best Overall X-Men Web Site" July, 2000
Featured in The Incredible Internet Guide to Comic Books & Superheroes By James R. Flowers Jr. 2000
5th Annual Exies Award Winner "Best Generation X Page" July, 2001
X-Day 2001 3rd Place "Best Archive or News Fansite" September, 2001
X-Fans Discussion List Site of the Month April, 2002
X-Day 2002 2nd Place "Best Archive or News Fansite (Judge Votes)" November, 2002
All Marvel characters and the distinctive likeness(es) thereof are Trademarks & Copyright © 1941-2002 Marvel Characters, Inc. and used without permission. All rights reserved. Generation neXt is owned and operated by Nate "Nate1234" Raymond. Web site design and content are the property of Nate Raymond (1996-2002) except for rights reserved by Marvel and/or other companies regarding their trademarked and copyrighted materials. Some topics on this page are covered by copyright. If the company owning them wishes something removed, contact the owner at nate1234_genx@yahoo.com. This site is completely non-profit and neither the owner nor anyone else involved is making any money from it.
Almost all of the images at this site have been scanned and cropped by me, Nate Raymond. Although I do not legally own these images, please, out of courtesy, if you wish to use one for your own site, e-mail me first.
I would like to thank Trev for allowing me to borrow his Generation X movie graphic and Mondo for allowing me to archive many of his pictures and his M Theory page here when he decided to shut his page down.