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Daria is a the assistant of Bastion. She helps him by helpping him find information about the X-Men. Recently, she has shown concern towards Jubilee, who was captured by Bastion in Generation X #25, by checking up on her, feeding her, and, most recenty, helpping Jubilee escape Operation: Zero Tollerance. Recently, when Jubilee attacked Daria, Daria showed some form of powers. Now the question remains: Is Daria a mutant or one of Bastion's Prime Sentinels? 

Real Name: Daria 
Current Team: Operation: Zero Tollerance 
Past Teams: None 
Powers: Flight, advanced strength 
First Appearance: Generation X #20 
First Meeting with Generation X: Generation X #27

Dark Beast
The Dark Beast came from the Age of Apocalypse, a sinister universe in which Professor Xavier never formed the X-Men. When his universe was minutes from destruction, the Dark Beast was teleported to the 1950's of our universe. The first member of Generation X he met was Emma, back before the X-Men were formed. He made friends with her. Unfortunately, Banshee thought he was attacking her. They fought, and Beast nearly killed Sean. Luckily, Emma stopped Beast from attacking Sean. It is unknown what happened to Emma's and the Dark Beast's friendship. Most recently he and Gene Nation attempted to kidnap Generation X but to no prevail. 

Real Name: Henry "Hank" McCoy 
Current Teams: None 
Past Teams: Factor X, X-Men, Dark X-Men, Brotherhood of Mutants, Gene Nation 
Powers: Heat blasts 
First Appearance: X-Men: Alpha 
First Meeting with Generation X: Generation X #6

Arthur DeLacourte
When Monet was shipped to Switzerland to go to school in Europe, a roommate of hers died. Cause of death? Vampire bite from a teacher named Arther DeLacourte. Monet fought this vampire to the death and won.

Real Name: Arthur DeLacourte
Past Teams: A boarding school in Switzerland
Powers: Vampire abilities, including being able to turn into a bat-creature, advanced strength, near-invulnerability, and flight.
First Appearance: Generation X #60
Death: Generation X #62
First Meeting with Generation X: Generation X #61

Dirtnap first appeared when he first encountered Wolverine when he absorbed a young boy, and he then attempted to absorb Wolverine but couldn't due to Wolverine's healing factor. He escaped from Wolverine by absorbing a rat and taking on its form. Later, he and Chimera teamed up with Emplate, but Dirtanp betrayed them, teaming up with Gen X. He is assumed to have died when his rat body exploded. 

Real Name: Unrevealed 
Current Team: None 
Past Teams: None 
Powers: Ability to absorb other living beings and take on their forms. 
First Appearance: Wolverine #95 
First Meeting with Generation X: Generation X #36

Not much is known about DOA. He is Emplate's sidekick and personal limo driver. His name (I'm guessing) stands for Dead Or Alive. Hopefully, more will be known about him soon. 

Real Name: Unknown 
Current Teams: None 
Past Teams: New Hellions 
Powers: Unknown 
First Appearance: Generation X #1 
First Meeting with Generation X: Generation X #13

Dorian and Weasel
Dorian and Weasel are two wannabe punks in the small community of Snow Valley. The two are extremely racist, and as such they constantly gave Everett trouble all through Larry Hama's run for being both black and a mutant. They have not been seen since Hama's run ended. 

Real Name: Dorian (last name unknown), Weasel's name is unknown 
Current Teams: None 
Past Teams: None 
Powers: Completely human. 
First Appearance: Generation X #33 
First Meeting with Generation X: Generation X #33

Once known as Vlad Tepes, now simply known as Dracula the Lord of the Vampires has been a monster in both his human and vampiric incarnations. Dracula's origin dates back five hundred years to when he was ruler of Transylvania. After a bloodthirsty reign defending his people from the Turks, Vlad Tepes was turned into a vampire and clawed his way to King of the Vampires. He met Generation X when he attempted to use Jono as a means of getting the rest of Generation X. It is not known if this was a dream or reality. 

Real Name: Vlad Tepes 
Current Teams: None 
Past Teams: None 
Powers: Dracula possesses the ability to alter his form such as changing into a bat or into mist. He can control weather to a certain degree with the ability to manipulate thunderstorms, lightning, and summon fog. He possesses tremendous hypnotic powers and was able to hypnotize people even of the strongest wills. As Lord of the Vampires, he can also able to control any vampire. 
First Appearance: Bram Stoker's Dracula novel 
First Meeting with Generation X: Generation X vs. Dracula #1

D'Spayre is a lot like Emplate, only he feeds on depressing feelings. He ran into Generation X during the novel, attempting to feed of of negative energy from the team that he caused by having "ghosts" of the original Hellions appear. 

Real Name: Unknown 
Current Teams: None 
Past Teams: None 
Powers: Ability to feed on negative energy 
First Appearance: Marvel Team-Up #68 
First Meeting with Generation X: Generation X: The Novel