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Sasquatch was one of the original membersof Alpha Flight. He recently was confronted by Banshee to locate his missing students, who had been kidnapped by Emma. Recently, walter has gone through a few changes (he has fangs fangs and no longer talks, just grunts and snorts) and is a member of the new roster of Alpha Flight. 

Real Name: Walter Langkowski 
Current Teams: Alpha Flight 
Past Teams: None 
Powers: Ablitity to transform into a large, super-strong, furry beast 
First Appearance: Uncanny X-Men #120 
First Meeting with Generation X: Generation X #19

One-time crook and former X-Force member, Theresa Rourke-Cassidy is the daughter of Generation X mentor Sean Cassidy, aka Banshee. She has had very little contact with Generation X themselves, but has often talked to her "da" about his role in their lives, even though he was absent during her own childhood (through no fault of his own). 

Real Name: Theresa Rourke-Cassidy 
Current Teams: None 
Past Teams: X-Force 
Powers: Like her father, Siryn posses complete mastery over her vocal abilities. With them she can control sound waves, allowing her great destructive force, flight, or even the ability to render others unconcious without touching them. 
First Appearance: Spider-Woman Vol. 1 #37 
First Meeting with Generation X: X-Force #42 
(Bio provided by Brand Ecch)

Not too much is known about Slughter (we only knew him for one issue). He came hunting for Maggott's slugs as "trophies". He didn't succeed, but he did almost completely beat Gen X even without any powers. 

Real Name: Constantine Francis Slughter IV 
Current Team: None 
Past Teams: None 
Powers: None 
First Appearance: Generation X #49 
First Meeting with Generation X: Generation X #49

When wimpy high school student Peter Parker was bitten by a radoactive-spider, Peter gained the abilities of a spider. After Peter's uncle was murdered by a murderer who Peter could have stopped, Peter became a crime-fighter. Spider-Man first met Generation X when he travelled to LA to stop a terrorist from murdering millions. Gen X and him teamed-up then and saved the residdents of Skin's old 'hood from death. 

Real Name: Peter Parker 
Current Team: None 
Past Teams: Avengers 
Powers: Ability to crawl up walls, advanced strength, advanced agility, spider-sense 
First Appearance: Amazing Fantasy #15 
First Meeting with Generation X: Marvel Team-Up #1

Carier St. Croix
We first meet Cartier St. Croix in Generation X #2 in when Orphan Maker tries to kill him off at his estate in Monaco, but fails. Because Orphan Maker specifically kills off the human parents of mutant children, so we know that Cartier is not a mutant. Cartier for a while was obsessed with the number two when the twins disappeared, but stopped when they resurfaced from being Penance. He came to the Academy and brought them home, along with, temporarily, sending Monet to Switzerland for schooling.

Real Name: Cartier St. Croix
Current Teams: None
Past Teams: None
Powers: Completely human
First Appearance: Generation X #2
First Meeting with Generation X: Generation X #58