Welcome to the universe of Not Quite Terrestrial! Not Quite Terrestrial
is an online comic book that tells the saga of Sierra Holt. Sierra is not
too different from most young women her age. She has problems with her boyfriend.
She has problems finding solid work. She wants a car. She... has super-powers,
is an alien-hybrid, and has fights with catpeople and pyrokinetics? Alright,
so she is a little different. But that's why she's cool.
Built as a trilogy, Not Quite Terrestrial is just now beginning on
its second arc. The art is dazzling and filled with tallent! And, heck, some
of us have even come close to having been published (we'll keep you posted
on which one of us wins that race). But enjoy, because, best of all, NQT
is one-hundred-percent free!
Enjoy the saga of Sierra Holt from start to end.
Find out about the people responsible for NQT.
Use our F.A.Q. to find an answer to your questions.
Biographies on hand for newcomers to the comic.
All sorts of art by tallented artists!
Discuss anything you want in our forum!
Find out who we'd cast in a movie of NQT.
Our theme song, some backgrounds, and more!
Check out sites run by the creators and our friends.
Last Updated: 8/27/2002
Issue #7 is still in the works, so don't worry. We did, though, put together a small pin-up special for all of you who can't wait. Go on over the the comics section to check that out. In addition, I redid the captioning in issues #1 and #2; you may or may not have noticed that the captioning was a lot bigger in those issues, and thus took up a lot more space. So, now that's fixed. Enjoy!
What's in Store for the Future?
Issue #7: Sierra meets up with her mother
Mary to catch up. However, certain individuals of an unknown identity want to prevent that
from happening.
Mailing List
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newest news and updates about NQT and when the new issues hit the net? Then join our
e-mail by simply sending a blank e-mail to
this address! For more information on
the newsletter, click here. Newsletter
powered by Yahoo! Groups.
Make Contact
Feel free to e-mail
any of us (Note: For concerns or questions regarding the website or general questions about
the comic book, e-mail Nate).
Not Quite Terrestrial
and all related elements are ™ & © 1998-2002 SugarBombs.Com.
Please do not use images or content without permission from us.