Not Quite Terrestrial Tagline
So, you feal you're ready to jump into the world of NQT, eh? Well here's where you get the issues. Plus, as a bonus, you even get a chance to see all the stuff you normally never hear or see about a comic. Plots that never made it, ideas we threw around, and pages that were tossed out. Scroll down to the bottom of the page to find every script Nate could dig up! Some quick legal mumbo jumbo: if you print this comic off and sell it as your own, and it sure ain't unless your name is listed on this page as a creator, then it's illegal and we will hunt you down. But, now that that's over, get ready, kiddies, cause this is where it all begins!

R E G U L A R   S E R I E S

November, 2000

Written by Nate1234
Drawn by Glockgal, Avatar, {dixey}, and Tigrr Wildcat
Cover by Glockgal

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December, 2000

"The Cat's Meow"
Written by Nate1234
Drawn by Tigrr Wildcat, {dixey}, Glockgal, and Marie Yuen
Cover by {dixey}

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April, 2001

"Death at the Door"
Written by Nate1234
Drawn by Tigrr Wildcat, Marie Yuen, {dixey}, and Glockgal
Cover by Tigrr Wildcat and Marie Yuen

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Read the commentary (Pop-up window)

July, 2001

Written by Nate1234
Drawn by Tigrr Wildcat, {dixey}, Marie Yuen, and Glockgal
Cover by Marie Yuen

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February, 2002

"Real Answers"
Written by Nate Raymond
Drawn by Girlyskin, Glockgal, Marie Yuen, Netlady, and Tigrr Wildcat
Cover by Glockgal

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August, 2002

"Lights in the Darkness"
Written by Nate Raymond
Drawn by Ruyi Yuen, Jacob Bond, Tigrr Wildcat, and Glockgal
Cover by Tigrr Wildcat (pencils) and Ruyi Yuen (color)

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Read the commentary (Pop-up window)

O T H E R   N Q T   S T O R I E S

February, 2001

Featuring Kindle!
By {dixey}

Read the one-page story

June, 2001

Written by Nate1234
Drawn by Tracie "Katroz" Mauk

Read the issue
Read Nate's Notes
Read Tracie's Hidden Stuff Guide

April, 2002

Takes Place Between Issues #5 & #6
By Netlady

Read the one-page story

September, 2003
Featuring the art of various artists

Read the issue

N Q T   R E G U L A R   S E R I E S   S C R I P T S

These are scripts for NQT, including any drafts I could find for them. Keep in mind a lot of work goes in behind the scenes, which explains for a lot of plot deviations not accounted for in the scripts.

Issue #1: This script is almost identical to the actual comic, with the exception of minor changes here and there. This was my final draft.

Issue #2, Draft 1: This draft wasn't used because it was (a) dated (there's a Titanic spoof in it) and (b) Sierra and Matt were still in high school in it. I decided when I was done with this script that it would be best for Sierra and Matt to already be gratuates so that I wouldn't have to worry about what happens to Sierra after her dad dies. Also, Matt is around for the fight with S-409 and helps beat her. I changed this because I felt it limited how much we got to see Sierra's powers in use. I know for a fact that there were uncompleted drafts of this issue (like in one I had Sierra and Matt lose their viriginity to eachother), but I can't find them anywhere.

Issue #2, Final Draft: Basically this is the same thing as the comic.

Issue #3: I'm missing drafts for this issue too, cause I know I had in one draft Sierra and Matt make-out using her telekinesis powers (something I may reincorporate later if I can find a better use for it). But this is the final draft.

Issue #4: Final and only draft. I wrote this in about a day and gave in to everyone the next morning.

Issue #5: Final and only draft. Like issue #4, I wrote this in about a day. When you're in the groove during the summer, you can do anything.

N Q T :    D R A F T   O N E   S C R I P T S

These are the scripts for NQT: Draft One. God, I hate these. I wrote them when I was 12, so the characters are overly dramatic, the plot has no structure, and... Sierra's a superhero, something I don't believe in creating. As Tracie puts it, "It was intended to be an online comic full of hopes and dreams, but sometimes stuff just doesn't work out." However, I do suggest you check these out. They'll, at the very least, show you how much I've evolved in writing quality.

Issue #1: God, this issue sucks. But, minus the superhero stuff, it's basically the same as the final draft for issue #1 in the regular series.

Issue #2: This too has a lot in common with the actual issue #2, though once again, ignore the superhero stuff.

Issue #3: And this is where we come to a completely different direction. This issue marks the begining of my realization that writing superheroes sucks.

Issue #4: You'll notice in this issue, although the characters talk about "Alien-Girl", you don't see Sierra in this issue as her. About a month after this issue Tracie and I decided to start from scratch and go for a more X-Files than Buffy approach.

Not Quite Terrestrial and all related elements are ™ & © 1998-2002 SugarBombs.Com. Please do not use images or content without permission from us.
